It’s not every day that you get to meet your guardian angel face-to-face.

That’s exactly what happened to 26-year-old Lavorius McPlatt Monday night when he met the man who pulled him from a burning car last Tuesday.

Christopher Herrera, 25, was driving along Highway 60 in Mulberry when he saw Lavorius’ car burst into flames.

“And without thinking I just ran,” Herrera said. “Just went to go get him. I didn't know how many people were in the car or if they were alive. But I had to make sure.” 

McPlatt’s tire blew out causing him to crash.

“Next thing I remember is being pulled away from my car and I heard somebody say something about it about to blow," he said.

Lavorius suffered a broken arm, some broken ribs and several burns and cuts on his body, but he said, “I have all my limbs, I have both my eyes, I can talk, I can walk. I'm just grateful that I'm here to see another day.”

What makes this story even more amazing is that the two men realized they went to high school together. They were one year apart at Mulberry High School.