Doctors are reinforcing the message that it's time to quit smoking.

Smoking does serious damage to your body, and doctors advise smokers to quit as soon as possible.

Pharmacists say they ask two questions when meeting with a client who wants to quit: First, how much do you smoke? And second, how do you want to quit?

The answers help pharmacists suggest the most appropriate course of treatment.

Congo Ebola outbreak ends

Congolese officials say its separate Ebola outbreak that killed dozens of people this year as an unrelated Ebola epidemic swept West Africa is now over.

Congo's Health Minister Felix Kabange Numbi made the announcement Nov. 15.

Authorities said that at least 49 people died, including eight health workers, since Ebola erupted in Equateur province in northwestern Congo in August.

The Congo outbreak came amid a regional epidemic that now has left more than 5,000 dead, but Congo's Ebola cases were not related to those in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

The hemorrhagic fever was first discovered in Congo back in 1976, and there have been sporadic outbreaks here over the years. It is not known how the virus first emerged in Guinea that sparked the epidemic.

Information from the Associated Press was included in this report.