According to state officials, there has been an increased in vibrio vulnificus infections.  

Vibrio infections are caused by a bacterium found in warm salt water. It's in the same family of bacterium that causes cholera.

State health officials say there are two ways to contract the disease: by eating raw, tainted shellfish — usually oysters — or when an open wound comes in contact with bacteria in warm seawater.

Vibrio infections increased by 75 percent last year, according to the Food Safety Progress Report. Most of those people got sick after eating raw Atlantic shellfish.

The pathogen accounted for 55 hospitalizations and two deaths last year.

Late-night exercising

Late night exercising is just as good as an early-morning workout.

According to fitness website, most people who exercise for 90 minutes before bed have an easier time sleeping.  

But not all.

Some people cited late-night exercising can keep them awake. Doctors say that is because an increase in body temperature and adrenaline levels.

Still, experts say no matter what time of day, any exercise is better than none.

Lack of control leads to alcohol?

If you feel like you're not in control, it could lead you to drink.

A study in Britain found that people who felt they were more in control of their situation were less likely to turn to alcohol.

Researchers also said the findings may not just apply to alcohol.  

The findings could impact marital happiness, mood, drug cravings and fitness, study officials said.