Anyone who has been in an accident or had a medical condition that required a hospital visit knows the cost of health care isn’t exactly cheap.

Patients can easily rack up thousands in medical bills. But a health care policy expert says these days, you can negotiate a better bottom line.

"Ten years ago, it was not as common and hospitals wouldn’t necessarily agree to talk with you," Dr. Jay Wolfson said. "They’re agreeing much more so to do that now."

If you get an overwhelming bill, call the hospital or doctor and ask for a discount.

Be sure to talk to the billing manager and explain why you can’t afford the bill. You can also ask for an interest-free payment plan over several years or offer a lump sum payment now if they agree to forgive the balance.

You should always go over your bills very carefully looking for mistakes, like getting double billed.

There are also patient advocates to help you negotiate any remaining costs.

You can go to several websites to learn the average cost for a medical procedure in your area. Use those numbers to negotiate, especially if your bill is higher.

Resources include websites such as Healthcare Bluebook and New Choice Health.