A recent drive home from work was anything but routine for Christy Carter. As she came up on the intersection of 66th Street N and 102nd Avenue in Pinellas Park, Christy watched an accident unfold.

“There was just a person on a scooter,” Carter said. “They turned and they lost control, where they turned right there and just slid across. Parts went everywhere,  and I just was shocked and I didn’t know what to do.”

Carter’s shock was short-lived. Almost immediately, sensing the danger the scooter’s driver was in, Carter ran the red light and made a U-turn so that her car was between the fallen driver and the on-coming traffic. She then went up to the victim in the road.

“It was a young girl. She had a helmet on, which I think helped. Her hand was bloody and stuff like that,” Carter said.

As luck would have it, a police officer was nearby.

“He said he saw me running the red light and making an illegal U-turn and that’s why he was coming up,” Carter said.

Needless to say, once he understood what happened, Carter didn’t get a ticket.

An ambulance tended to the scooter’s driver and Carter continued on her way home.

In a world where many choose not to get involved, that was not the case for this 23-year-old.

But she does have one regret: Carter didn’t get contact information for the woman she helped. She told us she hopes that woman sees this story and reaches out.