Brad "bob-tat" Bellomo has made his mark on the human landscape as owner of 3rd Eye Tattoo in Largo.

So, it came as no surprise when his 4-year-old daughter Chloe took to drawing at an early age.

"She had come in a few times," Brad said. "Watched other artists and myself doing the art and she said, 'I want to do one.'  So I gave her the chance."

So the doting father took a chance and a needle, and let his little girl leave her mark on him. A little strawberry on his inner right forearm. When asked why she picked strawberry to tattoo, Chloe said, "Because it was cute."

When Brad posted the results of his new tattoo on social media, it went viral before the ink dried.

Tens of thousands of comments -- some good, some bad.

"A lot of it is just someone saying that it's bad parenting ... I'm not trying to push her into a career, but it's an opportunity where she could do a few tatts, get good at it. Maybe an after school job versus working at McDonald's."

But according to Chloe, she may have already pinned her career.

"I like to paint my daddy," she said.