Flanked by network news cameras, the best known postman in America walked into a federal building in Tampa today to start his house arrest.

Doug Hughes responded he was doing fine as he reported to authorities to be fitted for an ankle monitoring bracelet.

Hughes, a 61-year-old Valrico resident, made news last week when he landed a gyrocopter on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol.

Hughes was arrested last week. He was carrying letters for each member of Congress to raise awareness about the influence of big money in politics. He faces charges of violating national airspace and operating an unregistered aircraft.

He has a May 8 court hearing in Washington.

"It was worth it," Hughes said Monday. "But I have no intention of doing anything like it again."

Despite his arrest people have come to his defense, even calling him a patriot. Hughes said plenty of people have reached out to him but added his son was no fan of his stunt.

"I’ve got generally good reaction from people I’ve talked to," Hughes said. "The only exception has been my adult son. Who made it clear he loves me enormously but really didn’t like what I did."

Neither did the government.

His actions will have him confined to his home at least until his court date.

Hughes awaits prosecution on charges of violating national airspace and operating an unregistered aircraft. He spent a night in jail after Capitol police arrested him. The ultralight aircraft and its cargo - a U.S. Postal Service bin carrying the letters - were seized.

As he awaits a possible trial, Hughes could face four years in prison.

Meanwhile, the postal service says he is still employed, although it is unclear when he will be allowed to return to work.