With sea turtle nesting season now in full swing, Turtle Patrols across our local counties are asking beach goers to be on the lookout for nests and hatchlings in the area.

  • Sea turtle nesting season runs from May 1 to October 31
  • Lighting ordinances, driving restrictions go into effect to protect turtles and their nests

As they do every year, Turtle Patrol volunteers do what they can to safeguard turtles and their nests.

"We monitor everyday, we watch them until they hatch," said Beth Libert, president of the Volusia and Flagler Turtle Patrol.

Libert has been doing her part with the Turtle Patrol for more than 30 years, setting up signs and spreading awareness about what the season means for beach goers.

"[Nesting season] means that the lighting ordinance starts, driving restrictions start," said Libert.

During sea turtle nesting season, businesses and beach goers cannot shine bright lights that might keep turtle hatchlings from heading in the right direction toward the water. Also, the potential risk to turtles and hatchlings means trash, food, and large debris should not be left out at the beach.

Resident Eliza Wade often visits the beach with her metal detector and "clean up" club.

"I love seeing the turtle tracks," said Wade. "I've lived here all my life, so seeing the turtle tracks and walking up to the nest, we know we can't get too close."

A sign sits on the Ponce Inlet Boardwalk in Winter Haven Park to remind people that for the next few months sea turtle nests will be in the area. Turtle Patrol members also said beach goers should stay away from the dunes.

Libert said last year Volusia had more than 300 nests, and about 500 in Flagler. The hope is to continue to keep the new turtles safe.

"People just need to be aware if they see turtle nests, the tracks are quite obvious, to not mess with the tracks or the nest," said Libert. "Wait for the turtle patrol come to mark it."

Intentionally destroying a sea turtle nest can result in a third degree felony charge. Sea Turtle Nesting Season runs from May 1st through October 31st.