Breast cancer awareness is steadily on the rise at Middleton High school, all because of their principal, Dr. Kim Moore.

She is living, tangible proof, that you can conquer the disease.  With strength and honesty, she shares her story with her students, so they realize this month isn't just about pink cleats or pom-poms.

Every October, everywhere you look its pink, including high school football.

Like most, Moore took her school's awareness efforts, at face value, until her own doctor delivered the news.

“He said 21 days after your first chemo, your hair is gonna start to fall out,” said Dr. Kim Moore. “It was just very surreal, sitting in that chair and having my head shaved.”

It wasn’t until the fall of 2011, that Pink became more than just a color.

“It was just a symbol, until it personally touched me,” said Moore.

Pain in her chest initiated a trip to the doctors. Results revealed an aggressive form of breast cancer. Surgery, a bilateral mastectomy) followed just two weeks later.

“I was very, very blessed because it was caught very early,” said Dr. Moore.

Moore endured a six to eight month recovery that included four bouts with chemo therapy, three surgeries and reconstructive surgery.

“If I had chosen to do the lumpectomy, five years later down the road I would have been dealing with this again," said Moore.

Education is Dr. Moore’s second career. She is a retired 3rd generation Army officer. Previously she worked at the Pentagon, research weapons of mass destruction.

Even after handling a job of that magnitude, telling her son Wells, a 4th generation Army man, about her cancer, was terrifying.

“The thought of telling him, while he’s in a war zone, was difficult for me,” said Dr. Moore with her voice breaking. “He just wanted to know, that his mother was going to be OK, and I was.”

Dr. Moore’s been cancer free for four year and she has plenty to live for.

“I’m a mother of five and I have four grandchildren,” said Dr. Moore. “I want to see each and every one of my grandchildren graduate high school, graduate from college, get marries and have children of their own. I want to live past 100 years. That is my goal and I’m going to do that. But it starts with being very proactive about your health.”

Middleton's "Pink-tober" Game is Friday October 21st at home against Jefferson.