7:55 p.m. update: Closing statements by the candidates.

Castor: "I have led through good times and bad. I’ve handled the RNC and Super Bowls. I know how to get things done. ... I'm the person you want answering the phone at 3 a.m."

Straz: "I have run large for-profit organizations. I have run large non-profit organizations. I have created hundreds of jobs while Jane Castor has created none. Zero."

7:45 update: The candidates disagreed about the use of red light cameras in the city.

Straz: "Red light cameras don't solve accidents. They cause accidents."

Castor: "We are one of the most dangerous cities in the nation for accidents. Red light cameras reduce "t-bone" accidents."

7:35 p.m. update: Hurricane season was discussed, with the candidates asked how they'd guide the city through a storm.

"I have lead through crises, I am certainly ready to lead in a crisis like that," Castor said.

Straz cited his tenure leading Tampa General Hospital and said emergency procedures were viewed consistently, adding that would also happen with hurricane emergency planning.

7:15 p.m. update: The candidates took shots at each other about their finances, along with a Tampa Bay Times report that Straz took campaign contributions worth more than $500 despite earlier saying he wouldn't do so.

Straz called Castor's police career "one year's of experience repeated 31 times."

7:12 p.m. update: The audience has been very vocal with laughter and applause though have been asked to not applaud until the end of the debate.

7:05 p.m. update: Asked if he still maintains that Castor manipulated crime stats, he said, "Yes, yes I do."

Castor responded: "(Straz) has no idea what he's talking about."

BELOW: Live updates, tweets from the debate.

7 p.m. update: The debate has started. Jane Castor won the coin toss and made the first statement.

"This city is going to change more in the next 10 years than it has in my lifetime," Castor said.

In his first remarks, Straz again challenged crime statistics from Castor's tenure as police chief.

"When I'm mayor, I'll run the city with honest, integrity and transparency," he said.


TAMPA, Fla. — The two Tampa mayoral candidates will face off in another debate on Thursday.

Former Police Chief Jane Castor and Retired Banker David Straz were the top two candidates when Tampa voters went to the polls on March 5. Castor collected 48.1 percent of vote while Straz received 15.5 percent of the vote. 

On March 15, Straz agreed to three debates with Castor as both candidates prep for the Tampa mayoral run-off election on April 23. 

The first debate was held last week on April 5 on WEDU. 

Spectrum Bay News 9 anchor Holly Gregory will moderate the debate on April 11. Bay News 9 viewers will get to hear the next mayor of Tampa drill down their plans for continuing expansive growth, planning for major sporting events, and finding opportunities for communities feeling neglected. 

The debate will air at 7 p.m. on Spectrum Bay News 9. You can watch the debate on-air or on the Spectrum News app

The event will be held at the Tampa Theatre, located at 711 North Franklin Street in Tampa.  If you would like to attend, you can register for the event here