ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — A must add to the Super Bowl play list is a Buccaneers anthem written by a local artist. 

“I wanted to give the Tampa Bay Area, and Bucs nation as a whole something they could band together with and rally to," said Lorenzo Hogans II, the writer. “Let’s rally Tampa Bay, that is why we did this song, that is why we are here.”

Hogans wrote Real Buccaneers, and recorded it with another local artist Frank Lini. Hogans wrote the song at the beginning of the football season, predicting a Super Bowl appearance for the Bucs. 

“I always try to weave a positive message in it. And that is what this Bucs song is about. It was about the energy, it was about being able to rally, ya know. It’s been a long time since the Bucs have had a really good season you could be proud of if you know what I mean," said Hogans. 

After a full year of dealing with a pandemic, positivity is definitely needed. Hogans truly knows how tough it's been too, he is a paramedic. To help deal with the pandemic, Hogans turned to his passion of writing and music, which is when he wrote the song. 

“That is my outlet to decompress, and vent on different things, and also I can say, give a positive message," said Hogans. 

The song also has a catchy beat too. 

“Super Bowl, listen, all chips center of the table, Go Bucs," said Hogans, "Let’s get it!" 

The song can be downloaded on all platforms: Spotify, Apple Music, and iTunes