If you've visited our website lately you may have noticed some big changes -- changes that will help you get the news and information you want more easily.

While we know you all loved the old site, every once in a while it's good to update. Just like you would your home, your devices likes phones and TVs and your car.

There are many new features to point out so let's start with the most important ones.

The site is now mobile responsive. That means when you go to the website on your phone, iPad or tablet, the site automatically changes to fit your device. That makes it much easier to read articles and view images like sky cameras and weather images.

You'll now notice much more videos for you to watch, and you can now watch the videos on your mobile devices.

Another improvement: You now have the ability to add event information that may be posted to the community calendar.

Go to entertainment and select the community calendar page. There, you can search for events in your area and you can click submit a calendar event, fill out the form and submit it for review.

As for all the sections like county news pages, weather pages, traffic news and maps, lotto, and local entertainment news, they’re all still there. In fact, back by popular demand are the neighborhood radar views. You can see radar in zoomed in areas like the county you live in and some major cities around you.

To find all the news, weather and information you’re used to getting on baynews9.com on your desktop, click on the main categories at the top to find all the pages.

If you're on a phone or tablet, click on the three lines on the upper right of the screen and scroll through the menu of categories.

As you can see there's a lot of changes for the better!