It's the end of the road for red light cameras in St. Petersburg.

Thursday, the city council voted 6-2 to end the city's contract with American Traffic Solutions on or before September 30th.

Councilman Wengay Newton said the program had flaws from the beginning, it was not implemented correctly, managed properly and there was controversy over equipment and timing.

But not everyone agrees the cameras should come down, saying the number of crashes has dropped.

"The prevalence of cameras around has in fact changed behavior, has in fact made people think about what they're doing at a red light,” said Councilman Charlie Gerdes.

But red light camera critic, Matt Florell said the program isn't working, the numbers don't add up and citizens pay the price.

"I've talked to several of those people,” Florell said, “a grandmother on Social Security who had to save up for three months to pay her red light camera ticket that she just found out from me she never would've gotten if the slope had been taken into account. That’s the real human cost, that's money the city's gotten that it shouldn't have gotten."

On Wednesday, Mayor Rick Kriseman expressed his desire to end the red light camera program.

In a memo issued on Wednesday, Kriseman said: "... should red light running behavior continue to improve resulting in revenues which fall below the costs of the program, we will remove cameras at that time."