NATIONWIDE -- National Stress Awareness Day is November 6.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American works 44 hours per week. As such, we've compiled some tips on how to destress and improve your work day.

1. Allow Yourself to Stop and Breathe

Laptop, Woman, Education, Study, Young, Computer


Throughout the day it's very easy to work on task after task after task and not realize you've been going 100 mph steadily for hours. Give yourself little breaks to stop, take a breath, rest your mind, and recenter yourself. You'll find you're much more productive and less stressed.

2. Stretch




Especially for people whose jobs require sitting for long periods of time, taking a couple of minutes a few times every day to stretch your muscles and joints will alleviate the stress you carry around with your body. Simply stopping to rotate your spine in your chair can mitigate back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain.

3. Reward Yourself Throughout the Day


Achievement, Agreement, Collaboration, Communication


You really start to feel the weight of stress when you continuously do tasks you have to do, rather than tasks you want to do. Rewarding yourself in little ways like having a short conversation with your favorite coworker, or allowing yourself to get a soda from the vending machine can help you not get burned out between obligations. 

4. Always Make Sure You Have Something to Look Forward To 


Adventure, Back, Carefree, Casual, Caucasian, Cheerful


Whether it's a vacation, or something as simple as a dinner with a friend coming up, having something you're looking forward to can help you avoid stress by giving yourself something tangible to work toward.

5. Compliment Someone


Adult, Break, Business, Caucasian, Company, Computer


If you're feeling stressed, it's likely that your coworkers are also feeling stressed. Complimenting someone on an accomplishment they've made or a new haircut will not only make them feel better, but you as well. 


And if none of this works, November 6 is also National Nacho Day, so maybe just go celebrate that instead!

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