ST. PETERSBURG — Vogue Magazine, 1930.

You’ll find a photo of model Lee Miller.

What You Need To Know

“She was a beautiful woman who was a Vogue model,” said Dr. Hank Hine, director of the Dali Museum

But fast forward just a few years, and model Lee Miller became artist Lee Miller.

“She decided she wanted to change that, turn it around and be the one who takes the photographs,” said Hine.

So she made that dream a reality, which can now be seen at the Dali Museum — Photographer Lee Miller: The Woman Who Broke Boundaries.

“She broke all boundaries. She broke the boundary of going from model to photographer, being on the other side of the camera," said Hine. "She broke the boundary of being on the battlefields with men in World War II. And then she broke the boundary that artists are supposed to stay artists and bohemian, she broke that boundary."

Walk through the exhibit and you’ll see her work with some of the greats — from Dali to Picasso to Leonora Carrington.

“It’s a wondering feeling to show her connection, it emphasizes that the world of art is organic and one of people," said Hine. "People who knew each other, people who had a common spirit, people who encouraged and maybe even competed with one another."

But her work as a photojournalist during World War II, being one of the first to document the Nazi concentration camps, also gained her notoriety. 

“This is Hitler’s bathtub. You’ll see below her boots, she says, ‘I washed off the filth of Auschwitz in Hitler’s bathtub,’” said Hine.

This woman was a Jill of all trades, and as Hine puts it, she was good at everything she did.

“I think the exhibit is both historically interesting and inspiring," Hine said. "You can’t help but be inspired by her spirit of independence."

The exhibit will remain on display until January 2.

Visitors are encouraged to download the Dali Museum app, which offers a guided audio tour to learn even more about Lee Miller.