LAKELAND, Fla. —  Saturday's storms turned a Polk County church into rubble, but the pastor is still holding a service Sunday morning.

Lugar de Restoracion, along New Tampa Highway in Lakeland, was flattened when the storm produced by Nestor passed over it.

Across the street from the church, a semi-tractor trailer was picked up by the tornado and tossed into the power lines cutting off power to thousands.

Despite all the damage in the area, the church's pastor says he still feels blessed that no one was injured and that church services be held as scheduled today.

"This is not the church. The church is the people. Jesus is still alive. We're gonna preach him. We're gonna get an outdoor service. We're gonna be rejoiced so," laughed Pastor Jose Luis Romero.

About 40 people make up the congregation at the church.