Have you been missing posts from your favorite news channel in your Facebook feed? It appears you're not the only one.

Recently, the popular social media site made some changes to what displays in users' News Feed.

Now, users see items in the News Feed from a new algorithm that determines which stories to show based on past interaction. This approach means members don’t see all posts from friends or favorite brands in the News Feeds.

There are three ways to make sure you don't miss updates from your favorite brands:

  1. Set Notifications:
    Go to your favorite brand page, for example: Bay News 9. Hover over the "Like" or "Liked" button and mark "Get Notifications." This will allow you to be notified with every update for that page.

  2. Use New Pages Feed:
    The new "Pages feed" is essentially a pages-only filter version of the News Feed. The option is accessible from the left-hand menu on all Facebook accounts.
  3. Create Interest List:
    When you scroll over the "Like" or 'Liked' button you will see an option to "Add to Interest Lists..."  Simply click that option on your favorite brand page and create a new interest list. When you are on Facebook, you won't necessarily see the page updates in your news feed, but you can click on your 'Interest' tab from the left-hand menu to see all items you specifically put on this list.