On Friday, students from four classes at Oscar J. Pope Elementary helped Bay News 9 write a news article as part of their 3rd Annual Young Authors Conference:

This is an article written by students at Oscar J. Pope Elementary in Lakeland.

On Friday, May 25, students presented the books they wrote to state officials, volunteers and parents.

In Miss Chotos' class, students presented books on the American Revolution.

“We’re researching important people in the American Revolution,” Student Chris H. said.

“The class has spent many weeks preparing their books and participating in research,” Miss Chotos said.

In Mr. Huntley's class, students learned and wrote about what is beyond our planet.

"We've been working on space and planets," student Brisanar R. said.

"They have put in probably 200 hours of work for their books," Mr. Huntley said. "They've really done a wonderful job."

In Miss Kaliher's classes, students learned and wrote about the human body.

"A day like today is the reason I teach," Miss Kaliher said. "I'm proud of what my students have learned and accomplished in their books about the human body."

In Miss Sechrest's classes, student learned and wrote about meteorology.

"Today we are writing about weather and we're making books," student Aidan B. said.

They illustrated the books themselves," Miss Sechrest said. "They did a great job."

The book presentations and the team effort of writing of this article were the culmination of the Oscar J. Pope Young Author's Conference.