They’re back!

Red-light cameras are up and snapping pictures at a Hernando County intersection, and other cameras are expected to come on line soon.

If your travels take you through the intersection of U.S. 41 and Wiscon Road, you had better hit the brakes when the light turns red. Red-light cameras are now watching your every move.

Brooksville police say 288 drivers were busted the first week the cameras were operational, and another 265 violations are pending.

Motorist Marla Banta has mixed feeling about the cameras.

“It is good to deter people from running them, but it is a little scary because people know that they are there and they will slam on their brakes at the last minute and could cause another type of accident,” Banta said.

Red-light runners caught on camera will get a ticket for $158.

This is nothing new for a lot of drivers. A couple of years ago, red-light cameras went up in Brooksville, and then they were taken down. Now they are back up.

Cameras are also up at the intersections of State Road 50 and U.S. 41 and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and U.S. 41. Officials say they should be operational soon.