This viewer question came from Michelle: "Are there any natural ways to reduce anxiety ?"

Michelle, anxiety is a natural response to stress, so the treatment for the mild state of anxiety is really just a healthy body. For most of us, this natural response to a stressor motivates us to study harder, work more diligently, or increase our efforts to improve and overcome. So if you are anxious, look for the source, and you will be able to focus and overcome the stress. Unfortunately, for some, anxiety is an overwhelming problem, leads to loss of sleep, irritation, and even helplessness. For a select few, the cause of the anxiety is not known, and can be so overwhelming, that it attacks the individual, and makes life miserable.

Types of anxiety:

  • Anxiousness (normal)
  • General Anxiety Disorder -GAD
  • Panic attacks
  • Phobias
  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


Symptoms (emotional):

  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Watching for signs of danger
  • Feeling like your mind’s gone blank


Anxiety is more than just a feeling. As a product of the body’s fight-or-flight response, anxiety involves a wide range of physical symptoms. Because of the numerous physical symptoms, anxiety sufferers often mistake their disorder for a medical illness. They may visit many doctors and make numerous trips to the hospital before their anxiety disorder is discovered.


Physical symptoms of anxiety:

  • Pounding heart
  • Sweating
  • Stomach upset or dizziness
  • Frequent urination or diarrhea
  • Shortness of breath


The good news about anxiety, is once the source is identified, there are several "natural treatments" available. What I find much more fulfilling, is that this is one of the few diseases that respond to behavioral modifications better than pharmaceutical treatments (drugs). BUT, general anxiety (GAD) is not always something people can identify the source. As I said, once the source is identified, treatment is usually straight forward. But for those patients that the source is not identifiable, the anxiety can advance into panic attacks, and these attacks are very resistant to treatment. Medications become a necessity, and the side effects are sometimes very difficult to manage. Since the panic attacks happen without warning, and for no specific reason, it is necessary to take daily medications to decrease the number as well as the severity.  I will leave the medical treatment to another segment, and answer Michelle's question more specifically.


Natural Remedies for Anxiety:

Relaxation techniques - Tia chi, yoga, massage

Breathing techniques -deep/slow breathing

Herbs - kava, valerian  root, chamomile

Minerals - magnesium, calcium, GABA (amino acid)

Vitamins - B complex

The most important natural remedy for anxiety is really prevention by maintaining a healthy body. A balanced diet, low in processed foods, low in sugar, and low in caffeine will allow the body to repair and maintain health. More importantly, sleep is the most overlooked treatment and prevention of anxiety. As the brain becomes more exhausted, it releases endorphins and stimulants to maintain activity. These chemicals have excellent qualities and can maintain activity long past exhaustion, but at a price....anxiety, paranoia, etc. Allowing the brain to rest and regenerate, will almost always help with anxiety.


Helpful tips:

  • Healthy diet/low sugar
  • Low caffeine/stimulants
  • Minimal alcohol
  • Good sleep habits


I am a firm believer that all of us have an area of weakness. Stress does not make us sick, but it attacks us at our weakest point. For some, it may be stomach problems, back problems, headaches, even depression or anxiety. The healthier the mind and body is, the better it will be able to handle stress.

Stay Healthy My Friends!