An 8-year-old actress from Polk County is making quite the splash in the entertainment industry.

Chalet Lizette Brannan, 8, has already acted in more than a dozen movies and TV shows and has a resume longer than most adults. Over the next couple of months Chalet will begin shooting movie and TV roles in different locations.

The third grader started acting two years ago and she’s already landed roles with some big name actors like Eric Roberts and Dean Cain.

She hopes one day her acting will land her on her favorite channel: The Disney Channel.

Once the cameras stop rolling, Chalet is just a normal 8-year-old girl who loves the color pink, adores Justin Bieber and secretly wishes she was a princess. This is a wish that could come true one day thanks to her acting chops.

“It’s really exciting and it’s really fun. It’s just so fun to do,” said Chalet.

She got bit by the acting bug after she was discovered through modeling and local commercials.

“I just wanted to try it and see how fun it is and see if I can do it and it is fun and I can do it,” she said.

After two years her roles are getting bigger. It’s something the young actress and her parents say they’ve been hoping for.

“Excitement, excitement. I can’t really describe everything because it’s just something to see your child doing something that you know someday could be very big,” said father Glenn Brannan.

He said that won’t stop the young star from being a normal kid and attending Horizons Elementary School in Davenport.

“As soon as she gets home she does her homework right away. We help her with her homework. She’s still a kid. She has to be a kid. You can’t take that away from her,” Brannan said.

She’s a kid with talent, determination and the ability to cry on cue.

Her father says the Polk County School District allows her to work with a tutor and complete her work when she’s on location for a role.