A new study shows a link between listening to music and higher intensity workouts.

Participants in the study went through the workouts that included short bursts of high energy moves followed by periods of rest.

The workouts were done without music, and then with a custom-made playlist of the participants' favorite songs.

The participants reported that both workouts felt the same but the "power output" recorded was substantially higher when listening to music.

Everyone worked out harder with music without realizing it.

It's pumpkin season

According nutrionists, pumpkins can be a valuable part of your diet.

Eating pumpkin can help with weight loss and cooked pumpkin is high in fiber, which slows digestion and helps create a feeling of fullness longer.

Pumpkin also is a low-calorie star with less than 50 calories a serving. And, pumpkin is high in beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body.

Beta-carotene also can help fight cancer.  

Pumpkin's antioxidants can help shield cells against cancer-causing free radicals.

Eating breakfast

There are a lot of misconceptions about breakfast.

One of them, according to a nutritionist, is that breakfast can help with weight loss.

As it turns out, munching in the morning doesn't have a direct effect on dropping pounds.

Also, critics say breakfast isn't the most important meal of the day.

Nutritionists say it is not about one specific meal but instead the choices made throughout the day as a whole. Fruits and whole grains are obviously better than sugary cereals.

Still, eating healthy in the morning can set the stage for the day.