Rosa Calcagni reads over her grandmother's recipe for banana bread.

"Hey, you can read cursive?" her mother, Mary said.

It's pretty impressive for a 7-year-old to be able to read cursive. It's even more impressive that this second grader is a pastry chef with her own YouTube cooking show.

It's called Rolling with Rosa. Her dad, Robert shoots the episodes on his iPhone and edits them together -- adding music and graphics. Mary is Rosa's sous chef.

The Calcagni family has been making episodes for a few months -- but Rosa has cooked almost all her young life.

"When I was young, like three or two, I started making pizzas for my mom and my dad and they would always turn out delish," Rosa said. "They would say 'This is the best pizza I ever had, Rosa.'"

Rosa's parents enrolled her in a cooking class and she fell even more in love with cooking.

"I think I asked my parents, 'Mommy, Daddy, can I have a YouTube show?' and they were like 'ok'," Rosa said. "They let me have a YouTube show and I was surprised they said yes."

Robert Calcagni videos his daughter for her cooking show.(Amy Mariani, Staff)

Rosa's dad admits he was a little hesitant, but Rosa's passion was obvious.

"She asked for it and I wanted to know why and she said it was her destiny to be a pastry chef instructor on TV, so we were like let's go for it," Robert said.

Rosa's videos even got the attention of a local preschool. Creative World School in Apollo Beach has been using Rosa's videos as a teaching tool for their children. Rosa plans to meet the students and take their questions soon.

Rosa's parents said they are proud to help their daughter live her dream. She can stop anytime, but Rosa doesn't want to.

"This is my dream job," she said.