A Manatee County woman made a discovery at a local thrift store that will change the lives of abused and neglected animals.

Lilly is a rescue dog that loves to be held close, by hands that love her. Rescuers say Lilly had been abused and neglected while at Napier’s Animal Sanctuary in Bradenton. Safe Haven Animal Rescue found her and took her to Braden River Animal Hospital for treatment.

“She had ear infections, skin issues we had to spay her and she also had major anxiety,” said veterinarian Laura Eslinger.

Safe Haven Animal Rescue finds foster homes for abused or unwanted animals. Foster parents take care of the animals until they are well enough to be adopted. The organization pays all of the animals' bills.

“They get all of their medical paid," said Mary Lupi, president of Safe Haven Animal Rescue. "We give them food whatever they need to make that animal successful and happy."

And the medical bills can add up fast.

“Probably cost per puppy, over $200, $300 for everything,” Eslinger said.

Safe Haven rescued so many animals this year, their funds were running low. That is until recently when fate brought Maureen Flaherty to Goodwill. She bought a lithograph called the Brook Hill Dog for only $44. It turned out to be a very rare and valuable piece that ended up selling on eBay for $5,150.

“It just completely shocked me,” said Flaherty.

Flaherty fell in love with the painting. However, as a foster parent herself, she decided to donate half of the money to Safe Haven so it they can keep providing medical care to animals like Lilly.

“This is like fostering. You love it you let it go and more good comes from it.”

Safe Haven Animal Rescue is looking for more foster parents and volunteers. If you would like to help, you can visit their website at http://www.safehavenadopts.org/