The Department of Environmental Protection is looking at using thousands of acres in Myakka River State Park for cattle grazing.

The department says leasing the land would help taxpayers and make the park more self-sustaining. However, local activists say it will destroy a rare habitat we have in Florida. 

Myakka River State Park is home to native vegetation, insects and wildlife. One thing you won’t find on the 37,000-acre park is cows.

However, that could change. The Department of Environmental Protection is looking at leasing land for cattle grazing in part of the park.

“It’s a very open flat habitat with very few trees. It’s very rare in the state of Florida,” said environmental activist Jono Miller, walking through the land.

Miller said that the suggested 6,630 acre area is not a good fit for cattle.

“Ninety-five percent of it is a rare native habitat called Dry Prairie. The other 5% that was pasture at one time has been abandoned for 17 years. So it’s not appropriate for cattle,” Miller said.

Jono said the natural habitat would be greatly affected. Right now there are no watering holes or fences. The DEP says the assessment is in the early phases. However, they are looking for bids on the land.

“The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is soliciting responses from qualified professionals to conduct cattle grazing and provide in-kind restoration services," according to the DEP’s Request For Proposal.
As an effort to stop the DEP from going any further in their plan Jono along with environmentalists and former state park staff have gathered over 2,180 signatures through a petition on

“It’s gratifying to see the support from people who love Myakka park and are concerned about this change in the states policy,” said Miller.

Dee Ann Miller from the press office at the DEP says the reason the DEP is looking into cow grazing, is to make the state parks self-sustaining.

“The department continually looks for opportunities to expand visitor services and recreation as well as make our parks and lands more self-sustaining," she said. "This both benefits taxpayers and ensures natural resources are protected into the future by guaranteeing that the parks system will be able to fund operations to achieve its ultimate goals of ecosystem restoration, resource-based recreation and land management and conservation.”

Request for Proposal Cattle Grazing and In-Kind Services at Myakka River State Park

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is soliciting responses from qualified professionals to conduct cattle grazing and provide in-kind restoration services in lieu of payment described below at Myakka River State Park in Sarasota County, Florida.  The proposed cattle grazing area is 6,630 acres and consists of Dry Prairie, Mesic Flatwoods, Prairie Hammock, Depression Marsh and ruderal areas.  In kind services will be performed on an annual basis beginning in 2015.  The contract will be awarded to the vendor that bids the highest percentage of in-kind services to DEP .  The contractor awarded this project will be responsible for coordinating and administering all aspects required in the cattle grazing specifications as well as providing the in-kind services listed in this document.  

The successful bidder will be required to submit pricing for alternative work  to be done in lieu of payments to DEP.  This work will be done at Myakka River State Park and will include the following types of work – Prescribed burning, mechanical restoration utilizing roller chopper, tree cutter or similar equipment, fireline maintenance and creation, exotic plant treatment, and hydrologic restoration projects. These projects will be done in priority order as provided in the Scope of Work in lieu of payment for cattle grazing.