A veteran's wife is on a mission to get her husband the honor she says he deserves.

  • Ryan Fournier, 34, served two tours in Iraq while in the U.S. Army
  • Fournier honorably, medically discharged in 2011
  • Family later learned Fournier suffered traumatic brain injury during service

Ryan Fournier, 34, served two tours in Iraq as part of the U.S. Army infantry. His assigned duties made every mission a dangerous one.

“He was boots on ground, he was also a gunner, they were out every day, they were in a red zone," said Fournier's wife, Nicole. “They got hit a few times by IEDs over there."

Ryan was honorably and medically discharged in 2011. Over the past few years, however, he had six back surgeries. His family later learned he suffered a traumatic brain injury.

“[Ryan] suffered every single day physically and mentally, every day," said Nicole. "So did me and my children."

Ph: Fournier family

For the last five years, the Fourniers have been trying to get Ryan the Purple Heart they say he deserves, with no success.

“We have sworn statements from him, myself, three or four of his battle buddies that were actually there," said Nicole.

Recently, Nicole began working with Tice Ridley, founder of the non-profit Circle of Veterans and U.S. Senator Bill Nelson's office to have the record set straight.

“In Ryan's case, it seems there just wasn't the proper documentation done at the time," said Ridley.

Sadly, Fournier passed away on June 28 from what Nicole believes were injuries he received overseas. Officially, the cause of Fournier's death is still pending.

Despite her husband's passing, Nicole's efforts on his behalf continue. She and Ridley tracked down her husband’s former commander who is currently working on obtaining documentation of the injuries Ryan suffered in combat.

“I'm very sad that he didn't get the honor to receive it while he was alive," said Nicole, "but I will fight all I have to get it presented to at least my children in his name."

Meanwhile, in the wake of Ryan's death, Nicole says many of the family's military benefits stopped. The home she currently rents is also being auctioned.

Nicole did receive help for Ryan's funeral. Thanks to the Wounded Warrior Project and Boza & Roel Funeral Home, Ryan was cremated and had full military honors at his funeral service.

However, as Nicole has served as a full-time caregiver for both Ryan and their two children, ongoing expenses will be a struggle. She has created a GoFundMe page in order to accept donations from those who might wish to help.

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