Mosquito control centers in the Tampa bay area are reporting a surge in calls from residents reporting the pesky insects. But is there cause for concern, considering last year's Zika outbreak?

Pinellas County authorities say "No."

  • Increase in Black Salt Marsh mosquitos common this time of year
  • Different species than mosquitos that carry Zika virus
  • June 26 - 30 National Mosquito Control Awareness Month
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Robert Krueger, with Pinellas County Mosquito Control, told us this time of year Floridians will see an increase in black salt marsh mosquitoes, a completely different species than the kind that can carry the Zika virus.

“The salt marsh mosquito comes from a salt marsh area, but aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry Zika, they’re the ones that are going to be forming in the containers in your backyard.”

Krueger then issued a now-familiar reminder to residents to drain standing water from around home each and every time it rains, to help control the population of aedes aegypti mosquitos in the area this year.

This week also marks National Mosquito Control Awareness Week.  Pinellas County will be hosting a public tour of its facility in Clearwater Friday, from 9 a.m. to noon.