New documents released this week could turn the case upside down.

The documents are several drafts of notes from the Sanford police detective who headed the investigation.

Legal expert Joy Ragan told said that she has scoured over police reports and the indecision from charging investigators will play well for the defense.

“If we get to a jury, than this is great for the defense because the defense says that law enforcement couldn’t even figure it out. They’re going back and forth, is it manslaughter? Do they have self-defense? What’s going on here? And if law enforcement can’t figure it out, then there is a reasonable doubt,” said Ragan.

Ragan also believes that the opinion of investigators could turn the case upside down, if evidence was found to be in contrast to the original police assessment.

“In the officer’s opinion, they say that because of the physical description of both parties, neither has combat training, we believed that the case should be charged as so forth,” said Ragan.

However, evidence shows an eyewitness already described Trayvon Martin as raining blows down on George Zimmermnan “MMA style.”

Ragan said if more evidence came to light to support Martin has experience with MMA fighting, the case dynamics would dramatically change.

“If I am Mark O’Mara, I have my investigators out doing whatever I can do to find if Trayvon Martin had any MMA training, because if he did, then I can invalidate the opinions to charge period,” Ragan said.

We also looked into the role lead investigator Chris Serino played in the initial arrest report.

Serino has retained high profile Attorney Jose Baez.

“I think that Detective Serino is a little bit afraid that he is going to be the fall guy in all of this. There has been some criticism about the way that he handled the investigation, maybe he overstepped the bounds. But he definitely had a different opinion than his supervisor and the local state attorney,” said Ragan.

A lawyer for Trayvon Martin's family said she feels someone pressured Serino to change his recommendation.