Nan Rich, Democratic candidate for governor, spent Monday making phone calls to reach out to supporters from South Florida.

Rich spent the weekend campaigning in Central and South Florida.

Even in Broward and Dade counties it’s been hard for Rich to capture the enthusiasm that Charlie Crist has had.

The two candidates made stops in the same places Sunday, even sitting near each other in a church service. Rich said she’s not focused on Crist, but on making sure people get out to the polls.

She’s hoping all the effort she’s made in South Florida will pay off.

“I live here, I feel I’ll have a lot of support out of these communities," Rich said. "I grew up in Dade County, I’ve spent a lot of time in other counties around the state, because each county, each person’s vote is important.”

Rich has run her campaign on the message that she is the true Democrat in the race and she’s hoping that resonates with Democrats across the state.

She’s spent 28 months campaigning across the state. She believes she’s built a strong grassroots network.

Rich will be at a phone bank with volunteers in Weston tonight. Tuesday she plans to stop at several polling places in the Miami area.