Monday marked the start of National Infertility Awareness Week and there’s a group of young women looking to shine a light on this issue they say impacts more women than you may think.

What You Need To Know

According to medical experts, one in 10 women have issues with infertility.

A group of young Black women formed a group called Sistahs Surviving Infertility and is hoping to educate the public more about infertility along with a rare condition called MRKH. The group is hoping to encourage anyone struggling with infertility.

“Whether you have MRKH or not, infertility within itself, it’s so hard and sometimes just seeing people standing in their truth and accept 'This is not the be all end all,' I feel like is so powerful,” Sistahs Surviving Infertility Founder Janay Cook said.

The group is hosting a number of virtual meetings and workshops this week. 

“I would just love for people to leave with a purpose driven mindset, compassion for themselves and just the energy to be vibrant, to be themselves and find joy in a situation that doesn’t bring you that much joy,” Sistahs Surviving Infertility member Raven Riley said.

Sistahs Surviving Infertility has a Facebook page located here.

For more resources on infertility awareness, click here.