RIVERVIEW, Fla. — Our latest everyday hero is helping veterans get the same love he received when he needed it most. 

Michael Watson served in the Army in the 1970's and 1980's as part of the Elite 82nd Airborne Division in Fort Bragg.

He recalls the story of his first jump and the petite female paratrooper standing just ahead of him on the plane. 

"I said you really going to jump? Now I'm shaking. She said yeah I'm going to jump. No nothing. And I said if she jumps, I'm going." he shared. 

Brimming with love and humor, he is known as "Boston Mike."

Mike has dealt with physical injuries as well as P.T.S.D for years. He credits the V.A for the care he has received. 

"What can I do to help somebody the way that I've been helped? I received love, so let me give back," he said.

Mike now seeks out vets daily to tell them about a partnership between the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital and the Tampa Metropolitan YMCA and a new program called the Whole Health, a holistic look at veterans work environments, diet, sleep patterns and more. 

"I say listen, are you a vet? And they say yes and I say do you know about this program, do you know about that program?" 

A vet looking out for his sister and brother vets on this veterans day and every day. 

"I don't consider myself a hero because I feel this is what I'm supposed to do." 

A special thank you to all of our vets with this Everyday Hero report.