HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. — A Bay area man is gathering donated bicycles for children at a Hillsborough County elementary school.

  • Bikes needed for Bailey Elementary School kids
  • Non-profit 'Bikes 4 Christ' gathering donated bikes
  • Want to help? Go to www.Bikes4Christ.com

“Every kid deserves a bicycle and we want it to be special,” Pat Simmons, founder of Bikes 4 Christ, said. 

The non-profit has given away about 800 bicycles. Usually, Simmons gets requests from social service agencies for adults who need those bikes for transportation.

But for the holidays, Simmons has partnered with Bailey Elementary School in Seffner to give donated bikes to children for Christmas. 

“Sometimes we encounter some kids or should I say teenagers that are 15, 16, and never had a bike. They’re just now getting their first bike,” Simmons said. “I don’t want that kid to have to wait until he’s 15 or 16 to get his first bike. I want him or her to have it as soon as they can.”

If you’d like to learn more about the charity or donate a bicycle, go to www.Bikes4Christ.com.