They’ve only been open a few months — but they’ve got a whole new menu, thanks to spring.

It’s a burst of color from True Food Kitchen’s Good Earth Kale Cobb Salad.

Chef Hector Valencia guides way at True Food Kitchen- where the focus is healthy and seasonal foods.

Recipe True Food Kitchen’s “Good Earth Kale Cobb Salad"

1.5 oz. kale
1.5 oz. romaine lettuce
2 oz. poblano ranch dressing
1 oz. pickled jicama
1 oz. crispy chickpea
1 oz. roasted corn
1 oz. gorgonzola cheese
1 oz. Persian cucumber
1/4  Avocado
Sprinkle of Hemp Seed

Chef mixes lettuce, kale and poblano ranch dressing - it’s the base of the salad.
Chef layers on each ingredient, making a colorful Cobb Salad.
Chef tops with a quartered avocado and sprinkles with hemp seed.