TAMPA, Fla. -- After 93 years, three generations of ownership by the same family, and countless customers, Tony's Ybor Restaurant will close its doors for good Sept. 2.

What You Need To Know

  • Tony's Ybor Restaurant to close Sept. 2

  • The restaurant was founded in 1929

  • Three generations of the Scaglione family have kept the restaurant going

  • Tony's final day will be a celebration in honor of customers

"It's a little scary, actually," said owner Larry Scaglione. "I've been here doing this for so long - 40 years - but it's time. I've enjoyed, it's been a great journey and it's just time to have some time for my family now."

Scaglione's grandfather, Nunzzio Scaglione, opened the restaurant in 1929. It was called the Americus Restaurant back then. 

"My dad basically grew up here and stayed here with my grandfather and worked here over 72 years," Scaglione said of his father, Tony Scaglione.

Scaglione told Spectrum Bay News 9 he was also raised in the restaurant.

"I used to stand in the kitchen on a chair, cooking hamburgers on the grill," he said. 

It's a tradition he's continued.

"All my kids have grown up here," Scaglione said. "It was funny because they all wanted to do the cash register, and the joke was - I started out washing pots, they want to jump right to the money."

Scaglione said he's on the road by about 4:30 every morning, heading to the market to buy the fresh foods that he said makes Tony's stand apart. The menu changes, and Scaglione said it features 14-15 fresh vegetables everyday. That's just part of what he said kept people coming back.

"It's jsut been a family oriented kind of restaruant," he said. "We've met a lot of people, and it's just been a great journey with these people."

Bill Alexander and Andrew Rey said they've been eating at Tony's for more than a decade.

"The vegetables, fresh food everyday - no question about it," said Alexander when asked what he enjoys about the restaurant. 

"I'm disappointed, but look - I get it," said Rey. "I just wish the whole Scaglione family the best, and good luck, and thanks for the memories.

Next up, Scaglione said he'll continue catering special events, giving Tampa Bay the chance to continue enjoying favorite dishes from Tony's. First, he said the restaurant's last day will be a celebration in honor of the customers who supported them through the years. ​