It’s literally the Super Bowl of corporate advertising, but some very big companies are choosing to take themselves off the field this year.

What You Need To Know

  • Some big traditional companies are sitting out this year's Super Bowl ad blitz

  • Bud Light, for example, uses ad to try to look at the bright side of 2020

  • 30 seconds of airtime during Super Bowl costs an estimated $5.5M this year

For this year's slate of big-budget Super Bowl ads, Budweiser will keep its iconic Clydesdales in their stables, but Sam Adams plans to set them free.

Bud Light will make a not-so-subtle attempt to turn 2020’s lemons into lemonade, while Michelob Ultra goes A-list to make everyone “happy.”

Speaking of happy — Tide turns Seinfeld’s Jason Alexander into a dirty and emotional hoodie, while Pringles suggests that stacking different flavors is more exciting than space travel.

At an estimated $5.5 million for 30 seconds of airtime, Coca-Cola has decided to spend its money elsewhere. The closing of stadiums and movie theaters hit that company hard. But online auto dealer Vroom decided to hit the gas on its first big game spot.

So sit back, relax, and watch some of the commercials you’ll see during the Super Bowl.

Samuel Adams: "Horses"

Bud Light: "Last Year's Lemons"

Tide: "The Jason Alexander Hoodie"

Michelob Ultra: "Happy"

Chipotle: "Can a Burrito Change the World?"

Pringles: "Space Return"

Vroom: "Dealership Pain"


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